In poking around, I’m seeing that it’s not obvious how to model a command like 
the classic “ls” or “cp” commands with the usage.

If I do “man cp” the output looks like: 

     cp – copy files

     cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-alpsvXx] source_file target_file

It shows the command, the various options, and then the args that it takes, in 
this case source_file and target_file.

In my Solr command line tools, I have not yet figured out how to model this.   
For example, the “ZkLsTool”, which is basically like the classic “ls” tool, 
when I ask it for usage I get:

usage: bin/solr ls --path <PATH> [-r <recurse>] [-u <credentials>] [-url 
<HOST>] [-v] [-z <HOST>]

List of options:
    --path <PATH>                 Path to list.
 -r,--recurse <recurse>           Recurse (true|false), default is false.
 -u,--credentials <credentials>   Credentials in the format username:password. 
Example: --credentials solr:SolrRocks

However, I don’t want the path to be the option —path.   In Solr today, we do 
some swapping around in the bin/solr command to convert a “bin/solr zk ls 
/mypath” into a call that is to SolrCLI ls —path /mypath to fit how commons 

We are however trying to remove the argument parsing in the shell command and 
learn more on commons-cli.   

Thoughts on this?   Do we need to have an Argument class to go along with the 
Option class?


Eric Pugh | Founder | OpenSource Connections, LLC | 434.466.1467 | <> | 
My Free/Busy <>  
Co-Author: Apache Solr Enterprise Search Server, 3rd Ed 
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