
I've added the 23-ea and 24-ea versions to most of the Apache Commons
builds on GitHub CI. This has revealed that some third-party tooling
does not support those versions yet.

We do have some old issues with conversions of date/times but I'm not
sure if this makes it worse or better yet.


On Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 1:29 AM David Delabassee
<david.delabas...@oracle.com.invalid> wrote:
> Welcome to the OpenJDK Quality Outreach summer update.
> JDK 23 is now in Rampdown Phase Two [1], its overall feature has been frozen 
> a few weeks ago. Per the JDK Release Process, we have now turned our focus to 
> P1 and P2 bugs, which can be fixed with approval [2]. Late enhancements are 
> still possible, with approval, but the bar is now extraordinarily high. That 
> also means that the JDK 23 Initial Release Candidates are fast approaching, 
> i.e., August 8th [3]! So, and in addition to testing your projects with the 
> latest JDK 23 early-access builds, it is now a good time to start testing 
> with the JDK 24 early-access builds.
> Make sure to also check the heads-up below as some are related to JDK 23 and 
> might have some impact, i.e., the first one being related to the eventual 
> removal of the Security Manager and the second one discusses the removal of 
> the legacy COMPAT locale provider.
> [1] https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/jdk-dev/2024-July/009252.html
> [2] https://openjdk.org/jeps/3#rdp-2
> [3] https://openjdk.org/projects/jdk/23/
> ## Heads-up - JDK 23: Subject.getSubject API Requires Allowing the Security 
> Manager
> In JDK 17 and as announced in JEP 411 [4], the Security Manager was 
> deprecated for removal. As part of that change, several Security Manager 
> APIs, such as `AccessControlContext`, were deprecated for removal. The 
> `Subject::doAs` and `Subject::getSubject` APIs depend on Security Manager 
> related APIs even though they do not require Security Manager to be installed 
> to use them.
> As of JDK 23 [5], to help applications prepare for the eventual removal of 
> the Security Manager, subject authorization and the Subject APIs' behavior 
> depend on allowing the Security Manager:
> - If the system property `java.security.manager` is set on the command line 
> to the empty string, a class name, or the value `allow` then there is no 
> behavior change compared to previous releases.
> - If the system property `java.security.manager` is not set on the command 
> line or has been set on the command line to the value `disallow`, invoking 
> the `Subject.getSubject` method will throw `UnsupportedOperationException`.
> Yet, running an application with `-Djava.security.manager=allow` is a 
> temporary workaround to keep older code working. Maintainers of code using 
> `Subject.doAs` and `Subject.getSubject` are strongly encouraged to migrate it 
> with utmost priority to the replacement APIs, `Subject.callAs` and 
> `Subject.current`. Make sure to check [5] and [6] for additional details.
> The jdeprscan tool [7] scans a JAR file for usage of deprecated API elements 
> and is helpful to find code using these methods. Additionally, consider 
> migrating as soon as possible code that stores a `Subject` in an 
> `AccessControlContext` and invokes `AccessController.doPrivileged` with that 
> context. Such code will stop working when the Security Manager is removed.
> [4] https://openjdk.org/jeps/411
> [5] https://jdk.java.net/23/release-notes#b15
> [6] https://inside.java/2024/07/08/quality-heads-up/
> [7] https://dev.java/learn/jvm/tools/core/jdeprscan/
> ## Heads-up - JDK 23: Unicode / Removal of COMPAT Locale Provider
> ### A Quick History of Locale Data in the JDK
> Before the Unicode Consortium created the Common Locale Data Repository 
> (CLDR) in 2003 to manage locale data, the JDK had to provide its own 
> collection. It did so successfully and in JDK 8 supported about 160 locales. 
> To reduce maintenance effort, allow better interoperability between 
> platforms, and improve locale data quality, the JDK started to move towards 
> CLDR in 2014:
> - JDK 8 comes with two locale data providers, which can be selected with the 
> system property java.locale.providers:
>    . JRE/COMPAT for the JDK’s legacy data collection (default)
>    . CLDR for the CLDR data
>    . a custom locale provider can be implemented
> - JDK 9 picks CLDR by default
> - JDK 21 issues a warning on JRE/COMPAT
> There are plenty of minor and a few notable differences between the legacy 
> data and CLDR - the recently rewritten JEP 252 [8] lists a few of them.
> ### Locale Data in JDK 23
> JDK 23 [9] removes legacy locale data. As a consequence, setting 
> java.locale.providers to JRE or COMPAT has no effect.
> Projects that are still using legacy locale data are highly encouraged to 
> switch to CLDR as soon as possible. Where that is infeasible, two 
> alternatives remain:
> - Create custom formatters with patterns that mimic the legacy behavior and 
> use them everywhere where locale-sensitive data is written or parsed.
> - Implement a custom locale data provider [10].
> For more details on that as well as on CLDR in the JDK in general, please 
> check JEP 252 [8] that has been recently rewritten to provide better 
> information and guidance.
> [8] https://openjdk.org/jeps/252
> [9] https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8325568
> [10] 
> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/22/docs/api/java.base/java/util/spi/LocaleServiceProvider.html
> ## Heads-up - JDK 23:  Initial Leyden Early-Access Builds
> Project Leyden published its first early-access builds (24-leyden+2-8 
> 2024/6/20) [11]. The initial release is focused on improving Java 
> applications start-up time, but other Leyden optimizations will be explored 
> in future releases.
> Below are some of the highlights of these Leyden EA builds:
> - Ahead-of-time compilation of Java methods to natively execute them as soon 
> as the application starts up in the production run;
> - Ahead-of-time resolution of constant pool entries allows the AOT compiler 
> to generate better code and for your application to start faster;
> - Ahead-of-time generation of Dynamic Proxies and reflection data as 
> frameworks use those extensively during start-up time;
> - A unified Cache Data Store (CDS) archive to simplify the creation of the 
> CDS archive, while supporting multiple types of optimization artifacts;
> - Loaded Classes in the CDS archive as soon the application starts up;
> - Class loader lookup cache to help application frameworks perform repeated 
> lookups without repeatedly scanning the classpath;
> - Archived Method Profiles to reach Java application peak performance faster.
> The easiest way to start with Leyden features is by using the java program in 
> the Leyden Early Access Release with the -XX:CacheDataStore flag. More 
> details of this Leyden EA Build can be found in the release notes [12].
> [11] https://jdk.java.net/leyden/
> [12] https://github.com/openjdk/leyden/blob/leyden-ea1-release-notes/README.md
> ## JDK 23 Early-Access Builds
> The JDK 23 early-access builds 32 are available [13], and are provided under 
> the GNU General Public License v2, with the Classpath Exception. The Release 
> Notes are available here [14] and the Javadoc here [15].
> [13] https://jdk.java.net/23/
> [14] https://jdk.java.net/23/release-notes
> [15] https://download.java.net/java/early_access/jdk23/docs/api/
> ## JDK 24 Early-Access Builds
> The JDK 24 early-access builds 7 are available [16], and are provided under 
> the GNU General Public License v2, with the Classpath Exception. The Release 
> Notes are available here [17].
> ### Changes in recent JDK 24 builds that may be of interest:
> - JDK-8334299: Deprecate LockingMode option, along with LM_LEGACY and 
> - JDK-8330846: Add stacks of mounted virtual threads to the HotSpot thread …
> - JDK-8333649: Allow different NativeCall encodings
> - JDK-8333755: NumberFormat integer only parsing breaks when format has suffix
> - JDK-8330842: Support AES CBC with Ciphertext Stealing (CTS) in SunPKCS11
> - JDK-8327793: Deprecate jstatd for removal
> - JDK-8248981: Specify list of standard message digest and mgf algorithms for 
> RSASSA-PSS signature
> - JDK-8334580: Deprecate no-arg constructor BasicSliderUI() for removal
> - JDK-8320448: Accelerate IndexOf using AVX2
> - JDK-8333749: Consolidate ConstantDesc conversion in java.base
> - JDK-8329141: Obsolete RTM flags and code
> - JDK-8330198: Add some class loading related perf counters to measure VM 
> startup
> - JDK-8330699: Obsolete -XX:+UseEmptySlotsInSupers
> - JDK-8334734: Remove specialized readXxxEntry methods from ClassReader
> This is only a curated list, a complete list of changes can be found here 
> [18].
> [16] https://jdk.java.net/24/
> [17] https://jdk.java.net/24/release-notes
> [18] https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/compare/jdk-24+0...jdk-24+7
> ## Topics of Interest
> - Integrity by Default - Inside Java Newscast
> https://inside.java/2024/07/18/newscast-73/
> - Java and AI? - Inside Java Newscast
> https://inside.java/2024/07/04/newscast-72/
> - What Happened to String Templates? - Inside Java Newscast
> https://inside.java/2024/06/20/newscast-71/
> - Java Language Futures - Spring 2024 Edition
> https://inside.java/2024/07/01/java-language-futures/
> - Project Loom - Structured Concurrency
> https://inside.java/2024/07/13/structured-concurrency/
> - How to Build Custom Java Runtimes with Jlink
> https://inside.java/2024/06/21/build-runtimes-with-jlink/
> ## July 2024 Critical Patch Update Released
> As part of the July 2024 CPU, Oracle released OpenJDK 22.0.2, JavaFX 22.0.2, 
> JDK 22.0.2, JDK 21.0.4 LTS, JDK 17.0.12 LTS, JDK 11.0.24 LTS, JDK 8u421 as as 
> well as JDK 8u421-perf.
> ~
> We still have a few days before JDK 23 enters into the Release Candidate 
> phase so please make sure to test your projects on the latest early-access 
> builds and report any issue… but that shouldn't be a reason to not enjoy the 
> summer and recharge your batteries! 😎
> --David

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