
We can create a release candidate anytime, we just need a reason and
release manager to step up. You can checkout git master to confirm
compatibility. In general bumping dependencies only is not enough of a
driver to create a release since it is simple for any build to update
those. It also not has been a priority compared to other components.


On Fri, May 17, 2024, 5:42 AM Mclachlan, Alan
<alan.mclach...@aciworldwide.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi
> Is commons-digester still an active project?
> I ask because while it's not in the Attic, the last release (3.2) was in
> 2011.
> There are two CVEs in a dependency (CVE-2019-10086 and CVE-2014-0114).
> Is there going to be a commons-digester with an uplifted version of
> commons-beanutils?
> Or is commons-digester destined for the Apache Attic?
> regards
> Alan McLachlan
> ACI Worldwide
> www.aciworldwide.com<http://www.aciworldwide.com/>
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