I have an open pull request to fix this problem.  I could use another
review: https://github.com/apache/commons-collections/pull/476

On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 11:29 AM Claude Warren <cla...@xenei.com> wrote:

> Alex,
> I like your solution.  To answer your question. We create a BloomFilter
> that has a timestamp associated with it.  When the timestamp is greater
> than System.currentTimeMillis() the filter is removed.  The custom cleanup
> calls Cleanup.removeEmptyTarget().andThen(<timestampCleanup>)
> I think that creating a cleanup() or clean() method on the
> LayeredBloomFilter is the appropriate solution and that it should call
> cleanup() on the LayerManager. (so 2 new methods, one exposed).
> The next() method is used when external circumstances dictate that a new
> layer should be created.  I think a StableBloomFilter I implemented
> required it,  but I do not have the code to hand at the moment.
> Claude
> On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 10:38 AM Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Claude,
>> Q. What is your current clean-up filter, i.e.
>> the Consumer<LinkedList<BloomFilter>>? I assume you are using a custom
>> one.
>> The current collections code only has 2 functional implementations. One
>> will remove the newest filter if it is empty, one will remove the oldest
>> filters until the size is below a limit. Since neither of those will
>> iterate the list and purge stale objects then I assume you are using a
>> custom clean-up filter. So you had to have created the layer manager with
>> your custom filter. Assuming this then there are at least two solutions
>> for
>> the current code:
>> 1. The current implementation always calls the clean-up filter with the
>> same LinkedList since it is final. So you can capture the list and do what
>> you want with it:
>>         @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
>>         LinkedList[] captured = new LinkedList[1];
>>         Consumer<LinkedList<BloomFilter>> cleanup = list -> {
>>             captured[0] = list;
>>             // ... do clean-up
>>         };
>>         // Once you have captured the list, you can clean it when you
>> want:
>>         // unchecked conversion
>>         cleanup.accept(captured[0]);
>> Obviously this is not ideal as you have to manage the captured list to
>> call
>> cleanup. But it delivers exactly what you require in terms of being able
>> to
>> call cleanup at any time.
>> 2. The call to next() will clean the layers but also add a new layer. So
>> your custom clean method could clean stale objects and also any empty
>> filters not at the end of the list. This will avoid building up lots of
>> empty filters when you frequently trigger next() to purge stale filters.
>> You can call next() directly on the LayeredBloomFilter. I do not know what
>> extend check you are using so there is some management to be done with the
>> other settings of the LayerManager to avoid removing any functional layers
>> which are currently empty.
>> --
>> As to exposing the LayerManager and adding a clean() method to the
>> LayerManager, I think this is not in keeping with the current design. The
>> LayerManager is used during construction and then never used again. So
>> functionality to act on the layers is public through the
>> LayeredBloomFilter
>> (e.g. calling next()). So perhaps the change to the API should be to add a
>> cleanup() method to LayeredBloomFilter. This does the same as next(), but
>> does not add a new layer.
>> I cannot recall the use case for next() in the LayeredBloomFilter. Would
>> the addition of cleanup() make the next() method redundant?
>> --
>> Note: The typing against LinkedList could be updated to java.util.Deque.
>> The only issue with this is the method:
>> public final BloomFilter get(int depth)
>> This is not supported by the Deque interface. However the LinkedList
>> implementation of get(int) will use the iterator from the start or end of
>> the list (whichever is closer) to find the element. This can use the
>> iterator/descendingIterator method of Deque for the same performance (but
>> the code to do this has to be written).
>> Alex
>> On Tue, 9 Apr 2024 at 08:45, Claude Warren <cla...@xenei.com> wrote:
>> > Greetings,
>> >
>> > I am attempting to use the Bloomfilter code in Kafka to manage PID
>> > generation.  The requirement is to remove pid tracking after a period of
>> > time.  This is possible with the LayeredBloomFilter but it has an edge
>> case
>> > problem.
>> >
>> > The LayeredBloomFilter uses the LayerManager to manage the filters that
>> > comprise the layers of the LayerdBloomFilter.
>> > The LayerManager uses a Consumer<LinkedList<BloomFilter>> called
>> > filterCleanup to remove old layers.
>> > The filterCleanup is only called when a new layer is added to the
>> layered
>> > filter.
>> >
>> > This solution works well in the general case where data is flowing
>> through
>> > the layered filter.  However if nothing is added to the filter,
>> > filterCleanup is not called.
>> >
>> > In the Kafka case we have a LayeredBloomFilter for PIDs for each
>> producer.
>> > As long as a producer is producing PIDs the filter gets updated.
>> >
>> > However, if a producer drops from the system or goes offline for a
>> period
>> > of time, then they will no longer be producing PIDs and their old
>> expired
>> > data will remain.
>> >
>> > We want to remove the producer from the collection when there are no
>> more
>> > PIDs being tracked.
>> >
>> > I think this can be solved by adding a clean() method to the
>> LayerManager
>> > that simply calls the existing filterCleanup.
>> > It would be easier to access this method if the LayeredBloomFilter had a
>> > method to return the LayerManager that was passed in the constructor.
>> >
>> > Does anyone see any issues with this approach?  Are there other
>> solutions
>> > to be had?
>> >
>> > Questions and comments welcomed.
>> > --
>> > LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren
>> >
> --
> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren

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