Hello Stephan,

The best way to see what you are proposing is a PR, it's a bit painful to
see differences otherwise, at least for me.

That said anything new should solve a real world use case, not merely
something that might be useful (or not) 😉

I think seeing tests in a PR will help clarify what it is you are proposing
that the current code doesn't do.

See also also https://github.com/apache/commons-text/pull/450


On Tue, Apr 9, 2024, 4:37 PM Stephan Peters
<stephan.pet...@csuglobal.edu.invalid> wrote:

> I added several methods to the org.apache.commons.CaseUtils class I think
> would be very useful, for example to use for normalized naming conventions
> for file paths, file names, URLs, etc.
> I'm planning on initiating a pull request.
> I would like to discuss it here.
> I've posted it in a fork here:
> https://github.com/speters33w/commons-text/blob/master/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/text/CaseUtils.java
> and written new tests for all the methods that pass here:
> https://github.com/speters33w/commons-text/blob/master/src/test/java/org/apache/commons/text/CaseUtilsTest.java
> There is an example of the method return values at the top of the revised
> CaseUtils.java.
> The methods have a little different behavior than the existing
> toCamelCase(String, boolean, char[]) (which I left intact) in that they
> normalize the input first before processing, so toCamelSnakeCase("The
> café’s piñata gave me déjà vu.") will return
> "the_Cafes_Pinata_Gave_Me_Deja_Vu"
> The main driver engine is in the toTitleCase() method and the rest of the
> methods piggyback on that engine and perform minor changes to the return
> value.
> If anyone feels like taking a look, I'd appreciate any feedback.
> Thank you.
> Stephan Peters

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