No reason aside from the fact that the code base is not fully
modernized. You could also ask if Converter should extend BiFunction.

I would like to create a release candidate for a 2.0.0-M1 release
soon. This would unlock a lot of other work down the line.

One item holding us back is that BeanUtilsBean2 extends BeanUtilsBean
where there should only be one class.

There are likely a few more cleanups that need to happen. I've removed
most of the deprecated code.


On Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 3:12 AM Claude Warren <> wrote:
> I am looking at BeanUtils as part of the CLI options to parse a command
> line option string into a class.
> I see that Converter is an interface with one method; converting a String
> to an Object.  Is there a good reason for this not to be annotated as
> an @FunctionalInterface?
> Claude
> --
> LinkedIn:

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