On Sun, 24 Dec 2023 at 11:45, Elliotte Rusty Harold <elh...@ibiblio.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 24, 2023 at 9:59 AM sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Both Numbers and Statistics have implementations of
> >
> > BigInteger toUnsignedBigInteger(long treatedAsUnsigned)
> >
> Can you describe a use case for this? That might help decide where it
> belongs. I wouldn't be surprised if this is more suitable for lang
> than Math or Numbers.
> I'd also suggest a different method name. There's no such thing as an
> UnsignedBigInteger in Java. All BigIntegers are signed. Maybe
> something like toBigIntegerFromUnsigned

The method is effectively (but without expensive string conversions):

new BigInteger(Long.toUnsignedString(v));

I do not have a use case for it other than testing unsigned integer
math implementations. It could be used to create a valid number when
using a long counter that has overflowed to negative.

A possible home is in [Lang]:


That class has some conversion methods to BigDecimal for
floating-point numbers with rounding to a number of significant
digits. So creating BigInteger beyond the support of the JDK methods
is in scope.

Without a use case it would just be code bloat.


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