The chi-square critical value (13.82) is correct:

>>> from scipy.stats import chi2
>>> chi2(2).isf(0.001)

The test seems to fail with the expected frequency when run locally. I
annotated with:

@RepeatedTest(value = 100000)

I observe 93 failures (just under 1 in 1000). So it is strange this
fails a lot on the GH CI build.

We could just use a fixed Random argument to the call that is
ultimately performing the random string generation:

random(count, 0, chars.length, false, false, chars, random());

Switch the test to:

Random rng = new Random(0xdeadbeef)

gen = RandomStringUtils.random(6, 0, 3, false, false, chars, rng);

You will see a drop in coverage by not exercising the public API.

The alternative is to change the chi-square critical value:

1 in 10,000: 18.420680743952364
1 in 100,000: 23.025850929940457
1 in 1,000,000: 27.631021115928547


On Fri, 20 Oct 2023 at 18:44, Elliotte Rusty Harold <> wrote:
> It's possible the chi square test is miscalculated. Perhaps some stats
> expert can check that. It's also possible the chi square test isn't
> the right one to use here. Again, consult a stats expert.
> It's also very possible that the randomness is not nearly as random as
> it's supposed to be. That's incredibly common, and that might be
> noticeable given the very short three-letter character set [a, b, c]
> being picked from.
> On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 1:31 PM Gary D. Gregory <> wrote:
> >
> > Despite the failure comment:
> >
> > RandomStringUtilsTest.testRandomStringUtilsHomog:474 test homogeneity -- 
> > will fail about 1 in 1000 times ==> expected: <true> but was: <false>
> >
> > This test fails a LOT more than once every 1000 times, based on how many 
> > GitHub builds I need to restart every week.
> >
> > What can be done to make this test more resilient?
> >
> > TY!
> > Gary
> >
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> Elliotte Rusty Harold
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