Hi All, This is the first milestone release for 2.0.0 which splits FileUpload into a multi-module project to support the Jakarta and legacy javax namespaces, so I would like to release Apache Commons FileUpload 2.0.0-M1.
The previous release was Apache Commons FileUpload 1.5 (javax only). Apache Commons FileUpload 2.0.0-M1 RC1 is available for review here: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/fileupload/2.0.0-M1-RC1 (svn revision 63007) The Git tag commons-fileupload-2.0.0-M1-RC1 commit for this RC is 2107cd3dbb58417ccf1afae055aac3d5f597a665 which you can browse here: https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=commons-fileupload.git;a=commit;h=2107cd3dbb58417ccf1afae055aac3d5f597a665 You may checkout this tag using: git clone https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/commons-fileupload.git --branch commons-fileupload-2.0.0-M1-RC1 commons-fileupload-2.0.0-M1-RC1 Maven artifacts are here: https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachecommons-1645/org/apache/commons/commons-fileupload2/2.0.0-M1/ #Release SHA-512s #Sat Jul 15 19:37:24 EDT 2023 org.apache.commons_commons-fileupload2-distribution-2.0.0-M1.spdx.json=d6062b88aa2a958295a1552f0a1641bc22ccf708e1f868ca8faee822fe42c88bf44fe93ffed39af550c352bc10126d435a066ae7c6a678cb5c907d7837690a10 commons-fileupload2-distribution-2.0.0-M1-bom.xml=793b199ef275ad28d76c827c8d515be848ae110f4a579030f5a1ca48c6f5b1ec14948d7d5cd428ee5cdfaa0ca9f24f39d1d14b4463763b0063f3b7288079ab6d commons-fileupload2-distribution-2.0.0-M1-bom.json=457481013a00ec85a27c9b70267daca8c9ed20e768bbafaff2d334d2023520f3e4f3b9aad62976bc19051bd923303902a6ddfe0eade11819d25eb3ceff9ed87c commons-fileupload2-2.0.0-M1-src.zip=e6108527d5beb505a198bd4ecc619f9024fdb9fa9cb771001213fd9b470568bb0f2a0ba2ddff85e6f0a69768544def9a66b0997875c9a7aa7fdbfce6fa91404c commons-fileupload2-2.0.0-M1-bin.zip=84067861fca81db81450c7f419f8c5a0bc2232f36277ceaba3771ade80c34297c142d698823885a9d03b646b8edfc7e7866c6c4411580fe20f63cbc237840bd0 commons-fileupload2-2.0.0-M1-src.tar.gz=44d94a1f449051b82fbfe05782eb85df2299713ed359fbbfd5c9fab085782ad97fb60eb2ef5d05d545dd16682ade3f6ae5f34b87216f0a4e79bbcd7f6c1d7723 commons-fileupload2-2.0.0-M1-bin.tar.gz=f7727ffd2df00b04ee7960b681eea35a4a320e9e8677f8ed77ac9b5841d6ee59d5df049104e1cea6bea475b4518b2ee2f50ac0b6a92cb1e9e2b142d56869b078 I have tested this with 'mvn clean install' using: Apache Maven 3.9.3 (21122926829f1ead511c958d89bd2f672198ae9f) Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.9.3/libexec Java version: 11.0.19, vendor: Homebrew, runtime: /usr/local/Cellar/openjdk@11/11.0.19/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "mac os x", version: "13.4.1", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac" Darwin gdg-mac-mini.local 22.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Thu Jun 8 22:22:22 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.121.3~7/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 Java 11 was used to build with the Java 8 release flag in order to get all the little JPMS turds in the right place. Details of changes since 1.5 are in the release notes: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/fileupload/2.0.0-M1-RC1/RELEASE-NOTES.txt https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/fileupload/2.0.0-M1-RC1/site/changes-report.html Site: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/fileupload/2.0.0-M1-RC1/site/index.html (note some *relative* links are broken and the 2.0.0-M1 directories are not yet created - these will be OK once the site is deployed.) There is no binary compatibility report because this is a major release in a new Java namespace and new Maven coordinates. RAT Report: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/fileupload/2.0.0-M1-RC1/site/rat-report.html KEYS: https://downloads.apache.org/commons/KEYS Please review the release candidate and vote. This vote will close no sooner than 72 hours from now. [ ] +1 Release these artifacts [ ] +0 OK, but... [ ] -0 OK, but really should fix... [ ] -1 I oppose this release because... Thank you, Gary Gregory, Release Manager (using key 86fdc7e2a11262cb) For following is intended as a helper and refresher for reviewers. Validating a release candidate ============================== These guidelines are NOT complete. Requirements: Git, Java, Maven. You can validate a release from a release candidate (RC) tag as follows. 1a) Clone and checkout the RC tag git clone https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/commons-fileupload.git --branch commons-fileupload-2.0.0-M1-RC1 commons-fileupload-2.0.0-M1-RC1 cd commons-fileupload-2.0.0-M1-RC1 1b) Download and unpack the source archive from: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/fileupload/2.0.0-M1-RC1/source 2) Check Apache licenses This step is not required if the site includes a RAT report page which you then must check. mvn apache-rat:check 3) Check binary compatibility Older components still use Apache Clirr: This step is not required if the site includes a Clirr report page which you then must check. mvn clirr:check Newer components use JApiCmp with the japicmp Maven Profile: This step is not required if the site includes a JApiCmp report page which you then must check. mvn install -DskipTests -P japicmp japicmp:cmp 4) Build the package mvn -V clean package You can record the Maven and Java version produced by -V in your VOTE reply. To gather OS information from a command line: Windows: ver Linux: uname -a 5) Build the site for a single module project Note: Some plugins require the components to be installed instead of packaged. mvn site Check the site reports in: - Windows: target\site\index.html - Linux: target/site/index.html 6) Build the site for a multi-module project mvn site mvn site:stage Check the site reports in: - Windows: target\site\index.html - Linux: target/site/index.html Note that the project reports are created for each module. Modules can be accessed using the 'Project Modules' link under the 'Project Information' menu (see <path-to-site>/modules.html). -the end- --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@commons.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@commons.apache.org