
This seems to be me like a mismatch with Commons IO.
What does it even mean to "sort" a file which are really a bunch of bytes.
Do you have a relevant example (Java base)?

This feels more like a database primitive to me. What am I missing?


On Sun, Jul 9, 2023, 10:42 ssz <sss.z...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It seems to be well-known and generic functionality, so it would be nice to
> have it in some well-known common place.
> Is *apache/commons-io* this place?
> Here is the draft: https://github.com/DataFabricRus/textfile-utils
> This is my library made for DataFablic, it is written on kotlin with
> coroutines and Java NIO.
> Of course, it can be ported to java (preserving kotlin-version for
> multiplatform)

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