Le dim. 9 juil. 2023 à 16:45, Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org> a écrit :

> Dumb question: what's the benefit of using commons-fileupload in 2023
> instead of the equivalent file upload feature of the  Servlet API?

+1, sounds redundant and can potentially break servlet API (or file upload
one depending how it is wrapped/integrated).

> The use case I had in mind was to support file upload in very old
> Servlet containers still in production (Tomcat 6 or Jetty 7 for example,
> both EOL), but servers supporting the Jakarta API are recent and have
> the file upload feature integrated. I'd expect commons-fileupload to go
> to dormant in the near future rather than adapted for the jakarta
> namespace.
> What did I miss?
> Emmanuel Bourg
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