Don't leave since tags out please, look in the pom.xml for the version.

I plan on creating a release candidate out soon but I prefer to leave the
code base as is for now because there are already a lot of new features and
I plan and reviewing them before the RC and double-check things like docs.


On Fri, Jun 30, 2023, 04:34 Niall Pemberton <>

> Hi Efthymiou,
> I would leave it out. You could guess that the next release is going to be
> 3.13.0 - but that might not be the case or your change might no make it
> into the next release for some reason. Making sure things like @since tags
> and release notes are all correct will be handled as part of the
> release process.
> Niall
> On Thu, 29 Jun 2023 at 23:17, Dimitrios Efthymiou <
>> wrote:
> > Hello. I am a new contributor. Say I am working on a new public method
> > for a class, say, What value do I put in
> > the @since field in the JavaDoc of this method?
> > Thank you for your time
> >

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