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The call for presentations is now open at "", and will be closed by Sunday, Jun 18th, 2023 11:59 PM GMT. The event will be held in Beijing, China, August 18-20, 2023. We are looking for presentations about anything relating to Apache Software Foundation projects, open-source governance, community, and software development. In particular, this year we are building content tracks around the following specific topics/projects: AI / Machine learning API / Microservice Community CloudNative Data Storage & Computing DataOps Data Lake & Data Warehouse OLAP & Data Analysis Performance Engineering Incubator IoT/IIoT Messaging RPC Streaming Workflow / Data Processing Web Server / Tomcat If your proposed presentation falls into one of these categories, please select that topic in the CFP entry form. Or select Others if it’s related to another topic or project area. Looking forward to hearing from you! Willem Jiang, and the Community Over Code planners --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: