Hi Peter,

I think not keeping comments may help with memory management in cases where
you have an enormous amount of comments, or maybe speed up processing if
you discard them? Not sure.

But in any case, if you already have the patch working, I'd suggest 1)
taking a look at the JIRA of CSV and searching for any open or closed
issues similar to this one (I feel like I heard something similar before
for Commons CSV), and then 2) creating an issue to the CSV component and 3)
prepare the pull request using a commit message like "[CSV-1234etc]
Description...", and the PR title "[CSV-1234] Title..." . This way others
can review your code and comment there. And having the JIRA will help
future users with similar use cases in case it's not maintained, or if
there's some other feature they are missing.


On Tue, 6 Sept 2022 at 20:31, Peter Hull <peterhul...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have an application where it would be useful to be able to get the
> leading comments (ie. before the first record) from a CSV file.
> I asked a question on StackOverflow[1] but I got no replies and as far as I
> can see it's not possible.
> I looked into implementing this myself and it appeared to be pretty
> straightforward, since the CSV parser already pulls out the comments but
> then discards them. It was also straightforward to access trailing comments
> too. I created a patch with the implementation and a test.
> Would there be any interest from the commons-csv developers in this patch?
> I appreciate there may be reasons I am not aware of as to why commons-csv
> doesn't do this already.
> Thanks,
> Peter
> [1]:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72619095/get-leading-comments-from-csv-with-apache-commons-csv

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