On Mon, 13 Jun 2022 at 07:47, Sumanth Rajkumar <rajkumar.suma...@gmail.com>

> For Phase 1, I propose to do the following
> 1) Introduce ComplexDouble, ComplexDoubleVector and ComplexDoubleMatrix
> interfaces

What do you intend to support as a "Matrix"? Is it for 2D or ND? What
functionality already exists for complex matrix operations such as add and
multiply in for example EJML?

This may require some expansion.

>     The interfaces to have methods for applying below unary and binary
> double functions
>     The interfaces to have methods to convert to/from primitive double
> arrays (both separate arrays for real/imaginary and single interleaved
> array)
>     The interfaces to have methods to convert to/from DoubleBuffer (both
> separate arrays for real/imaginary and single interleaved buffer)
> 2) Introduce generic (item based) functional interfaces for unary and
> binary double functions
> @FunctionalInterface
> public interface ComplexDoubleFunction<R> {
> R apply(double real, double imaginary, ComplexDoubleResult<R> result);
> }
> @FunctionalInterface
> public interface ComplexDoubleBiFunction<R> {
> R apply(double real1, double imaginary1, double real2, double imaginary2,
>  ComplexDoubleResult<R> result);
> }
> @FunctionalInterface
> public interface ComplexDoubleResult<R> {
> R apply(double r, double i);
> }
I am still wondering how these functions can be composed. Here are a few
ideas based on requiring that the functional interface generic type is a
ComplexDouble. This allows the result single item R to be decomposed again
into real and imaginary parts to pass to the next method.

public static <R> R conj(double r, double i, ComplexResult<R> result) {
    return result.apply(r, -i);

public static <R> R multiplyImaginary(double r, double i, ComplexResult<R>
result) {
    return result.apply(-i, r);

public interface ComplexDoubleFunction<R extends ComplexDouble> {

    default R apply(ComplexDouble c, ComplexResult<R> result) {
        return apply(c.real(), c.imag(), result);

    R apply(double r, double i, ComplexResult<R> result);

    default <V extends ComplexDouble> ComplexDoubleFunction<V>
andThen(ComplexDoubleFunction<V> after,
            ComplexResult<R> intermediateResult) {
        // Requires the intermediate which would be the terminal result if
the function is not composed.
        return (r, i, result) -> after.apply(apply(r, i,
intermediateResult), result);

    default <V extends ComplexDouble> ComplexDoubleFunction<V>
andThen2(ComplexDoubleFunction<V> after) {
        return (re, im, result) -> {
            // Fabricate the intermediate. Function is not thread safe.
            double[] parts = {0, 0};
            ComplexResult<R> intermediateResult = (x, y) -> {
                parts[0] = x;
                parts[1] = y;
                return null;
            R t = apply(re, im, intermediateResult);
            return after.apply(t, result);

    default ComplexDoubleFunction<R> andThen(ComplexDoubleFunction<R>
after) {
        // Thread safe. The intermediate is also the terminal result. This
is not optimal if the intermediate/terminal is a list with inefficient
read/write to the current position.
        return (r, i, result) -> after.apply(apply(r, i, result), result);

public static void example() {
    ComplexDoubleFunction<ComplexDouble> fun = ComplexDoubleFunctions::conj;
    ComplexDoubleFunction<ComplexDouble> fun2 =
    ComplexDoubleFunction<Complex> fun3 =
    // Not allowed as Void does not extend ComplexDouble
    //ComplexDoubleFunction<Void> fun4 =

    ComplexDoubleFunction<ComplexDouble> funA = fun.andThen(fun2);
    // Not allowed
    //ComplexDoubleFunction<Complex> funA2 = fun.andThen(fun2);
    ComplexDoubleFunction<Complex> funB = fun.andThen2(fun3);
    ComplexDoubleFunction<Complex> funC = fun.andThen(fun3,

However you cannot create a ComplexDoubleFunction<Void> which will not
return a result as the interface is typed to ComplexDouble. Not returning a
final result is the usage required by list operations that do not return
results but write back to storage in ComplexResult<Void>.

Composite function requires an intermediate to hold the result to pass to
the next function. If this is the same object then the function will not be

This may need more work...

> 4) Refactor existing instance methods in Complex class as static functions
> in ComplexDoubleFunctions class using functional interface signatures

I would start with this. It can always be updated if the functional
interface is later modified.


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