Hi there,

I observed the following behavior when using prunsrv:

I call it with //IS//MyService and more arguments to install a Tomcat service. Especially I use the default LocalSystem user as the user who will run the installed service and the arguments:

    --StdOutput auto ^
    --StdError auto ^

to redirect stdout and stderr to the default files.

To install the service I use a user with Administrator privileges. Running prunsrv to install the service now already creates the redirected stdout and stderr files, but only writable by Administrator.

When I next start the installed service, it can not write to the redirected stdout and stderr files, because it runs as a lower privileged LocalSystem account.

Before calling redirectStdStreams() in apps/prunsrv/prunsrv.c, there is already a special case if prunsrv was called with //TS (Run Service as console application):

1692     /* In debug mode allways use console */
1693     if (lpCmdline->dwCmdIndex != 1) {
1694         gStdwrap.szStdOutFilename = SO_STDOUTPUT;
1695         gStdwrap.szStdErrFilename = SO_STDERROR;
1696     }

I wonder, wther it wouldn't be better to not set the redirection file names for other dwCmdIndex values as well. Here's the list of indexes from the source code:

  76     L"RS",      /* 2 Run Service */
  77     L"ES",      /* 3 Execute start */
  78     L"SS",      /* 4 Stop Service */
  79     L"US",      /* 5 Update Service parameters */
  80     L"IS",      /* 6 Install Service */
  81     L"DS",      /* 7 Delete Service */
  82     L"?",       /* 8 Help */
  83     L"VS",      /* 9 Version */

IMHO 5-9 are candidates, maybe 4 and 3 as well. At least for those I would expect that they were executed on the console and stdout/stderr would also be expected there. But I might not be aware of use cases with other needs.

The normal prunsrv log file does have the same permission problem. But since it contains log info about what action had been done, I am not so sure, whether one can simply write that to stdout instead. But maybe one could use a different default file name line MyService.manage.2021-12-07.log instead of MyService.2021-12-07.log for the above indexes. Not nice, but I donÄt have a better idea yet.

Thanks and regards,


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