Hi Gary,

(Please ignore if it has been discussed already)

On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 12:07 PM Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Thanks to Geoffrey Blake's help setting up a Docker Ubuntu Trusty (14.04)
> environment, I am working toward creating an RC for 1.1.0, but in order to
> get Mac64 support we are quite sure I need to build that binary on a Mac,
> which I do not own or have simple access to.
> Is there an acceptable workflow for me, the Release Manager, to procure
> said binary from another person? Does that person need to be on the Commons
> PMC, a Commons Committer, an Apache Commons, an Apache Member, or can it be
> Anyone?
> There is an obvious trust issue here since I would not be the one building
> the Mac64 binary but would be delivering it through our dist area and Maven
> Central.

commons-crypto is built on OSX on travis. So, a thought on getting the
binaries out of that:
If you had a place for travis to upload the artifacts: you could fork
the repo, alter the .travis.yml to add a deployment step to upload the
built OSX binaries to your location. I think this gets you, the
release manager, a known good binary. You can add whatever 'on'
conditions for the deploy to only upload binaries from the tag, etc. I
am suggesting forking the repo, so the altered .travis.yml is not in
the release source tag and the secrets to upload the binary are only
in your github/travis org.

> Yes, I know that in theory, Apache only delivers source code and that our
> binary distributions are only a convenience, so there might be nothing to
> talk about, still, I want to make sure to check on expectations and
> processes.
> Gary


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