> > > - library L1 shades library ShadedA-1.0 and ShadedB-1.1. > >> - library L2 shades library ShadedA-1.1 and ShadedB-1.0. > >> - An app wants to use L1, L2, ShadedA-1.1, and ShadedB-1.1 but it can't > no > >> matter what classpath ordering it uses. > >> - An app wants to use L1, L2, ShadedA-1.0, and ShadedB-1.0 but it can't > no > >> matter what classpath ordering it uses. > > I agree here. Shading is quite subtle indeed and can cause Jar hell. I see > what you’re saying. Hm…this does indeed become interesting. >
I just cannot cause jar hell. Stop with the FUD or explain how it is a problem. The above is an example of what it prevents.