On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 5:46 PM Geoffrey Blake <geoffrey.w.bl...@gmail.com>

> So, I built commons-crypto against SSL 1.0.2n on Ubuntu 18.04LTS and
> all the tests pass.  The code coverage bumps to 72%, I'm guessing if I
> did Mac we'd see the 73% coverage seen from Travis CI.
> @Gary, what should a reasonable coverage target be?  73% is not great,
> but not sure how much higher this can get with many code paths that
> may be unreachable from unit-testing from what I'm seeing (private
> constructors, private overridden methods that are not used, static
> classes etc).  There are some functions that can be added, but is it
> worth it right now for getting a new release?

Hi Geoff,

I do not have a number to give you but as you point out 73% is not great.
Any improvement is welcome.

It looks that me doing a release is going to be a lot more tricky than I
initially thought due to getting cross-compiling to work instead of hacking
together a build from other builds on different environments. This means
that you have more time to increase the coverage ;-)

Keep in mind that the code coverage improvement buys us two kinds of wins:

1) We get to prove and document through tests the expected behavior, and,
more importantly IMO,
2) We provide a better and sounder foundation for future changes, allowing
developers to make changes with less worry of introducing regression bugs.


> Still, I've seen this error pop up in Travis multiple times now for the
> repo:
> 3040[ERROR]
> testGcmTamperedData(org.apache.commons.crypto.cipher.GcmCipherTest)
>  Time elapsed: 0.019 s  <<< ERROR!
> 3041java.lang.Exception: Unexpected exception,
> expected<javax.crypto.AEADBadTagException> but
> was<java.lang.InternalError>
> 3042 at
> org.apache.commons.crypto.cipher.GcmCipherTest.testGcmTamperedData(GcmCipherTest.java:224)
> Is that an error in commons-crypto, or something up with the Travis CI
> env?  I haven't seen it on my dev environments.
> -Geoff
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