
>Le mar. 24 mars 2020 à 06:39, chentao...@qq.com <chentao...@qq.com> a écrit :
>> Hi,
>>     I have started 2 PRs to solve the problem you metioned.
>>     About the "CentroidInitializer" I have a new idea:
>> Move CentroidInitializers as inner classes of "KMeansPlusPlusCluster",
>> and add a construct parameter and a property "useKMeansPlusPlus" to 
>> "KMeansPlusPlusCluster":
>> ```java
>> // Add "useKMeansPlusPlus" to "KMeansPlusPlusClusterer"
>> public class KMeansPlusPlusClusterer<T extends Clusterable> extends 
>> Clusterer<T> {
>>     public KMeansPlusPlusClusterer(final int k, final int maxIterations,
>>                                final DistanceMeasure measure,
>>                                final UniformRandomProvider random,
>>                                final EmptyClusterStrategy emptyStrategy,
>> +                             final useKMeansPlusPlus) {
>>     // ...
>> -  // Use K-means++ to choose the initial centers.
>> -  this.centroidInitializer = new KMeansPlusPlusCentroidInitializer(measure, 
>> random);
>> +  this.useKMeansPlusPlus = useKMeansPlusPlus;
>> }
>What if one comes up with a third way to initialize the centroids?
>If you can ensure that there is no other initialization procedure,
>a boolean is fine, if not, we could still make the existing procedures
>package-private (e.g. moving them in as classes defined within

As I know the k-means has two center initialize methods, random and k-means++ 
so far,
use a boolean to choose which method to use is good enough for current use,
but there are two situations use need to implement the center initialize method 
1. The Commoans Maths's implements is not good enough;
2. There are new center initialize methods.

>Also, in the current implementation of "KMeansPlusPlusClusterer", the
>initialization is not configurable ("KMeansPlusPlusCentroidInitializer").
>Perhaps we don't want to depart from the original (?) algorithm; if so,
>the new constructor could be made protected (thus simplifying the API). 

k-means++ is the recommend center initialize method for now days,
show we let user to fall back to random choose centers, that is a question need 
to tradeoff.
Show we make the API simple or rich?

>> public boolean isUseKMeansPlusPlus() {return this.useKMeansPlusPlus;}
>Why should this method be defined? 

To let user get their cluster parameters, same as "getEmptyStrategy()"

>> [...]
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