> On 20 Jan 2020, at 00:54, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What is the use case for needing serialisation?
> It's a lot of effort to maintain a serialisable class, and it opens
> the class to deserialisation attacks.

I don’t have a use case. But the class used to support serialization back to 
the code tagged as CSV_1.0. Putting out new releases that do not support it is 
breaking binary compatibility.

1.7 was the first to break compatibility. The live site reports it as such [1]. 

I will state that I voted +1 on release 1.7. Somehow the issue was missed then 
and it has bugged me ever since.

[1] https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-csv/findbugs.html 

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