Sorry, wrong PR [1] link: On Sunday, 25 August 2019, 11:51:47 am NZST, Bruno P. Kinoshita <> wrote: Hi, In LANG-1478, a contributor provided a PR for ClassUtils.getAbbreviatedName. If you have a class name with 10 characters (e.g. ""), and calls the method getAbbreviatedName passing the length argument of 10, you get a 9 characters long string back "". The Javadoc for the length parameterĀ states:
"lenĀ the desired length of the abbreviated name" In my opinion it confirms the bug. I have tested the code from the GitHub PR p1[ and it solves the bug, but given that it will be a backward incompatible change (not binary, but behavior), I wonder if it needs a major release then? (i.e. 4.x instead of 3.10). CheersBruno [1]