The CM regression module uses LU & QR decomposition and basic matrix operations 
like multiply, add/subtract, transpose, inverse, as well as functionalities 
like getting a submatrix, getting dimensions etc…. All of which EJML provides 
as far as I’ve looked. But I also expect there to be perhaps large differences 
in the port due to Streams….


From: Gilles Sadowski
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2019 8:18 PM
To: Commons Developers List
Subject: Re: [GSoC][Commons][STATISTICS][Regression][Matrix] Separate modulefor 
StatisticsMatrix (simple extension of EJML's SimpleBase) in commonsstatistics?


Le ven. 21 juin 2019 à 14:38, Ben Nguyen <bennguye...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hello,
> Mr. Gilles Sadowski suggested to me on Slack that StatisticsMatrix and future 
> extensions of EJML’s code should go into it’s own component.

Not exactly; I suggested that
1. there be an interface defined in [Statistics] for matrix that would
shield its API
from a future change of its implementation. [Now it can be a subclass of EJML,
but what if we want to change later?  Do we want to support an external API
even when it's not used to perform the computations?]
2. utilities (like the matrix interface) that can be used by several modules
of [Statistics] are best defined in a separate (maven) module.

> So based on my understanding; should there be a general matrix module to use 
> inside of commons statistics which uses the EJML?

Which matrix functionalities are needed for the "regression" module?

> Does anyone think another statistics component (besides regression) will need 
> matrices and it’s operations?

You could get the answer by looking at the [Math] codes.


> Thank you for your input,
> Cheers,
> -Ben Nguyen

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