Have a look at GNU Trove: http://trove4j.sourceforge.net/html/overview.html <http://trove4j.sourceforge.net/html/overview.html>
https://bitbucket.org/trove4j/trove/src/master/ <https://bitbucket.org/trove4j/trove/src/master/> It offers hash maps and array collections for all primitives. The stable version 3.0.3 is from 2012 and I’ve used this without any issue for years. I do not know about recent development. It is on maven as this artefact. https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:net.sf.trove4j <https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:net.sf.trove4j> > On 7 Jun 2019, at 20:53, Xeno Amess <xenoam...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Recently I feel like sometimes ArrayList<Integer> or HashSet<Integer> is > just...too slow. > If we implement the datas tructures in primitive types and offer some > functions to fit the common interfaces, I really think that can help. > Sorry for my poor english, but you can get what I mean at > https://github.com/XenoAmess/commonx/tree/master/src/main/java/com/xenoamess/commons/collections/list/primitive_array_lists > > > *LongArrayList score : 12399758ArrayList<Long> score : 27851927* > > According to the test result, sometimes it will run more than 1 times > faster when we use primitive such data structures... > I just wonder: > 1. Is this thing done by some libraries before? > 2. Are there any guys who are as interested with such things as me? (as I > don't think I can fo this translation of codes completely by myself.) > 3. If 1->false , then will there be any possibility that apache do such > things?(either clean room implementations or translation?) > Thx.. > -----XenoAmess.