I don't think that I can divide them in any other way than the flow that
I've attached because you can see the classes are dependent on other
classes so I have to code the base class/interface first than the other
dependent classes.
Here "UnivariateStatistics" is the most basic one. So, I'll start from that.
Yes, there are a few classes which can be developed parallely, out of those
I can decide which to code first and which to skip(about fourth moment ,
which is already been under discussion for commons-maths on Jira).
I'll definitely keep that in mind.
Also, I have to start somewhere, so this is just the starting. Later if we
figure out something better we'll discuss and implement that also.
Regarding the UML for the components I'm going to create, I believe this
UML itself is the foundation for the enhancements, still I'll think and try.
Regarding goals , I think I should definitely fix goals which I need to
fullfill, which will also be helpful to check progress and self analysis. I
did proposed the project timeline in my proposal initially but I think I
might need to change it now because now I have better understanding of the
code and project work flow.
Thanks for your help. If I face any problem or doubt I'll message you again.

Warm Regards
Virendra Singh Rajpurohit

On Tue, 28 May, 2019, 10:31 PM Eric Barnhill <ericbarnh...@gmail.com wrote:

> Thanks for this great work.
> This chart will serve you well and you are now in a great place to proceed
> further. Are you able to now create a UML for the components you are going
> to create? Is there a set of core functionalities that you will target
> first? Can you maybe divide your proposed summer's work into core goals and
> stretch goals?
> For example, FourthMoment is probably not a super-important statistical
> function, but Median certainly is. So your core goals should definitely
> include mean, median, variance, etc...and you have more freedom to decide
> what interests you to do after that.
> On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 2:21 AM Virendra singh Rajpurohit <
> virendrasing...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > As my GSoC project is to refactor "commons.math4.stat.descriptive.*", and
> > upgrade it using Java 8 features like Stream API, Functional Interface
> etc.
> > I've created a Class-Diagram of  "commons.math4.stat.descriptive.*"  so
> as
> > to understand the old code, it's flow and working.
> > I've attached the class-diagram and flow of the development of the
> classes
> > on JIRA:  https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STATISTICS-15
> > I'll start coding from this week only. Any kind of guidance & help is
> most
> > welcome.
> >
> > --
> > *Virendra Singh Rajpurohit*
> >
> > *University of Petroleum and Energy Studies,Dehradun*
> > Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/in/virendra-singh-rajpurohit
> >

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