
A warm welcome to you.  I have replied within your message below.

On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 4:49 PM thuan <> wrote:

>  1. *What is the complete scope of this project?* Is it only NUMBERS-96
>     or all NUMBERS-related JIRAs? I want to know it to ensure where to
>     focus.

It is only NUMBERS-96 and would focus on interpolation.

>  2. *Is it okay if I am not familiar with Interpolation**'now'?* The
>     truth is, Interpolation is an area I have not known about, which is
>     why I find this task more exciting since I can definitely learn
>     something completely new.

Ideally you have:

>  3. Are there any specific requirements in terms of skills? *How do you
>     assure that I have the skills (now or in the near future) that you
>     need for this task?*

Your proposal should point to some examples of previous Java coding that
show you have the necessary knowledge of Java and sufficient mathematical

>  4. By porting and redeveloping, is it only about translating to Java 8?
>     I mean: *Will there be any research areas for improving the
>     performance of these algorithms in time complexity and memory*? I
>     really want to know, since I am thinking of a thesis topic after
>     this and it would be great if I can make use of this project.

I would be more concerned you grasped the basics of the interpolation
first. As far as this code library goes, there is almost certainly room to
improve its performance. As far as a thesis goes interpolation is a pretty
well worked out mathematical problem, but there are a lot of good CS
applications, for example in video games, that you could apply it to.

>  5. *Do we implement any algorithms other than those available in
>     commons-math?*

The current framework in commons-math is in my opinion good and the first
priority is to turn this into a freestanding library.

>  6. By documentation, what kind of documentation would you expect? *A
>     javadoc like the old commons-math or a user guide with examples like
>     that of **JUnit 5
>     <>**?*

Both. You will need to follow Javadoc best practices, and you should
conclude the work with some kind of user friendly document.

>  7. By Java 8+, *do you expect Java 11 also*?

Target Java 8.

>  8. In the JIRA, there is no requirement for tests?*Will we implement
>     tests? If we do, will we implement both accuracy tests and
>     performance tests?* I would like to know to put them in the
>     deliverables.

There are already tests. Porting the tests will be step 1. Then we can
evaluate how good the testing coverage is and what changes to the test
library need to be made. That would be good experience for you I think.

>      By the way, the link to the package summary in [ NUMBERS-96 ] has
> one wrong character ')' at the end, so it is basically inaccessible.

I think Gilles just fixed that.

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