Sounds reasonable. But I suppose the question we should ask ourselves is: do we 
want a 1.7 or a 2.0? I’d be happy with either. 


> On Feb 20, 2019, at 4:56 PM, Bruno P. Kinoshita <> wrote:
> We have a few things ported from Lang that are deprecated and could be 
> removed.
> But I have reverted my change in this pull request:
> It introduces back the constant and the method removed, and also uses the old 
> code for the edit distance. But the contributed new code is still there (i.e. 
> I did not remove JaroWinklerSimilarity).
> This was suggested by another user in the pull request for TEXT-104, and I 
> believe Benedikt and Rob also suggested something similar.
> So if there are no objections I will merge it later this tonight or tomorrow, 
> and create a ticket in JIRA for 2.0 to replace the code, and fix the TODO 
> tags.
> This way we can leave 2.0 for later, and possibly discuss other major changes 
> like Java modules, changes for Java 11, etc.
> How does that sound? 
> Bruno
> On Thursday, 21 February 2019, 10:50:36 am NZDT, Gary Gregory 
> <> wrote: 
> Are we really ready for a 2.0? How much deprecated stuff do we carry?
> I plan on taking a closer look at the jarod distance issue tonight or
> tomorrow.
> Gary
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2019, 13:33 Pascal Schumacher <
> wrote:
>> I'm fine with either solution, but my preference would be to remove all
>> deprecated stuff and release version 2.0.
>>> Am 20.02.2019 um 08:42 schrieb Bruno P. Kinoshita:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Just finished merging a pull request to TEXT-104, where the JaroWinkler
>> distance was updated. The class was actually computing a text similarity
>> score, not an edit distance. The user that contributed did a great job
>> moving the logic into a separate class, then updating the method to return
>> a distance instead.
>>> Later I realized this would break both behaviour and binary
>> compatibility.
>>> So just wondering what others think. Is it time to gather a few more
>> issues in text, maybe even consider updating libraries/java/etc, drop
>> @Deprecated stuff, and prepare a 2.0? Or is it too soon, and instead revert
>> moving the code to a branch, and update TEXT-104 with a note about the
>> branch?
>>> CheersBruno
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