
I can’t thank you enough for your reply. I’ll take your suggestions and 
continue to sandbox around using the maven-release-plugin as a guideline.

All the best and happy holidays,

> On Dec 26, 2017, at 5:27 AM, Stephen Connolly 
> <> wrote:
> On Tue 26 Dec 2017 at 03:10, Rob Tompkins < 
> <>> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Pardon, maybe this should have gone to your @user list, but why not ping
>> the dev crew. I’ve been playing around the ideas surrounding our fairly
>> manual release process for the components in Commons, and I was hoping for
>> some insights.
>> Scripting the version changes isn’t really that big of a deal for us, and
>> that I can manage. But, when it comes to publishing our artifacts to the
>> apache nexus repository, and then separately publishing our -src and -bin
>> assemblies to the dev dist subversion repository (and consequently deleting
>> those artifacts from nexus as they’re “attached” for the purpose of gpg
>> signing), I feel it a tad cumbersome.
>> I’ve fiddled around a little with the idea of detaching the -src and -bin
>> assemblies after gpg signing with some success, but then I have to delve
>> into the mechanics of publishing those up to the subversion repository, and
>> clearly that problem has already been solved.
> Is your problem you don’t want those going to Nexus staging but only to
> dist? Or is it that you want them *also* going to dist.
> Personally... I see no reason to remove them from going to Nexus staging
> (in fact I have a background plan to add secondary signing support to
> staging... i’m Waiting to see the Nexus 3 staging APIs before attempting
> though. That would mean that the PMC would be able to *add* their GPG
> signature to the staged artifacts as part of the voting... in which case
> you’d want to hold off uploading to dist until *after* the vote so you get
> the full set of signatures)
> If you want to upload a subset of attached artifacts to dist as part of the
> release, that seems much more tenable... just a derivative of the
> scm-publish plugin from what I can see.
> So I find myself in the space of trying to shoehorn our process into its
>> the main maven-release-plugin, which I’ve found a tad difficult, versus
>> writing our own release plugin, which feels like I would be duplicating
>> tons of code (which I don’t want to do).
> So the release plugin is really two parts:
> 1. A toolkit for writing release plugins
> 2. An example that does the job for the requirements of the Maven TLP and
> has seemed “sufficient” for a lot of other people.
> As such, if you have different needs, do not feel bad about having to
> encode differently... hopefully the toolkit half of the codebase is
> sufficient for you.
>> I’m curious if you guys have any thoughts on the matter as I’ve been
>> playing around in the space for a little while now.
>> Cheers and happy holidays from UTC-5,
>> -Rob
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