On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 2:24 PM, Aaron Coburn <acob...@amherst.edu> wrote:

> Hi!
> The last release of commons-rdf was from last November, and there are some
> nice features in the master branch that I would really like to use --
> especially the improved OSGi support. It seems that there are a few
> unresolved jira issues, such that this wouldn't be a 1.0 release, but even
> a 0.4.0 release would be great.
> As a little background, over the last several months I've built a server
> implementation of the W3C Linked Data Platform in which commons-rdf
> provides all of the core RDF abstractions.
> Would it be possible to move forward with a release? I would be more than
> happy to help out.
> Thanks,
> Aaron
> acob...@apache.org
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