Hi Oliver,

>I know, I am very late to rejoin the party. :)

Happy to see some activity on [graph] again. I used the snapshot in a project 
once, but after that only had to use libraries in Python and PHP, so never had 
time or the need to use the project again.

>May I ask whether there is still some activity on Apache Commons Graph?

I have not seen any activity in a while (couple of years maybe?).

>Is there a GitHub mirror of Sandbox as a whole or Graph?

I don't think so. I think only proper components are currently mirror/hosted at 
GitHub. But I think it would make sense to check with infra if that's possible. 
Let's wait to see if someone will comment on this thread, if not we can start a 
new topic and ask this to others.

>What would be the required steps to make an initial release of Apache
>Commons Graph and how could I support these steps?

I think creating a multi-module project is a good idea, with a simple API and 
implementations and algorithms. Then try to keep up with requests from users, 
bug fixes, and also work with other projects to see if there's any interest in 
using, and if there are any requirements coming from these projects.

I commented on SANDBOX-458 with some examples of use cases of graphs in ASF 
projects. Might be easier to get a few ASF projects as users first.


On Friday, 7 July 2017, 4:22:39 AM NZST, Oliver Kopp <kopp....@gmail.com> wrote:


2013-05-26 17:35 GMT+02:00 Simone Tripodi <simonetrip...@apache.org>:

> What I would like to propose to work _in a separated branch_, is
> trying to split the big monolith in smaller modules and separate APIs
> from related implementation as much as possible.

I know, I am very late to rejoin the party. :) Here some pointers, I
could reconstruct from the mails:

- current code:
- the current modularization is going on at
- overview on alternatives to Apache Commons Graph:

According to the homepage, there is no current release:

May I ask whether there is still some activity on Apache Commons Graph?

Is there a GitHub mirror of Sandbox as a whole or Graph?

What would be the required steps to make an initial release of Apache
Commons Graph and how could I support these steps?



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