Good day!

I am working on a bidirectional (bijective) hash map at

 there is a note in the Javadoc that Collections would like to have a directed 
hash table based BidiMaps.

My current implementation combines both tree and hash table approach: all 
"collision chains" are actually AVL-tree based "collision trees" so that even 
if hashing is really poor (or even constant), access/modification of data is no 
worse than O(log n). Also, I maintain an internal iteration list (like 
LinkedHashMap) that allows faster iteration and faster of relinking of nodes to 
new hash tables when expanding the hash tables.

Could someone take a look at my current source and tell me how that 
fits/doesn't fit into Collections?

Best regards,

Rodion E.


BidirectionalHashMap - My implementation of a bidirectional bijective hash map 
in Java

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