On 23 May 2017 at 16:42, Stephen Colebourne <scolebou...@joda.org> wrote:
> On 23 May 2017 at 16:07, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Huh?
>> The whole point of changing the package name and Maven coords is to
>> allow mutually incompatible jars to coexist peacefully on a single
>> classpath.
> All you are doing in replacing one kind of jar hell with another.

What I mean by jar hell is that it's not possible to have the correct
combination of jars on the classpath.

AFAICT what you call jar hell is multiple independent versions of Lang
on the same classpath.
Not the same at all.

> Removing these methods means that a project that wants to use them has
> to use the older version. But if another dependency needs a later
> version you have hell.


> However, if one dependency uses lang3 Pair and another uses lang4
> Pair, you can't make the API call without a messy conversion.

I'm not sure what you mean here.
Each dependency uses its own Pair.
What API call are you referring to?

> Yes, the
> code compiles and both can be on the classpath, but it is a pain to
> use, just a different kind of hell.

I don't see what the problem is here.

> What I'm saying is that I'm unconvinced any use of the lang4 package
> is a particularly good idea. Having 2 versions of lang out there has
> avoided some problems but created others. Add lang4 package IMO
> creates as many issues as it solves.
> Anyway, its not really my choice. If the [lang] maintainers want
> absolute backwards compatibility, so be it. I can prepare a
> module-info based on an optional dependency.
> Stephen
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