Am 15.04.2017 um 00:15 schrieb Gilles:
> Hi Oliver.
> On Fri, 14 Apr 2017 21:48:26 +0200, Oliver Heger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Am 14.04.2017 um 17:12 schrieb Gilles:
>>> Hi Benedikt.
>>> On Fri, 14 Apr 2017 12:49:25 +0200, Benedikt Ritter wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>> My personal opinion is, that neither CM, nor numbers or RNG belong
>>>> into commons. They are to specific and should form a TLP on their own.
>>> The only working definition I know of "Commons" is: a home for
>>> projects too small to exist on their own.
>>> I gathered that what is important is that there are people willing
>>> to maintain the component.
>>>> But that’s only my opinion.
>>> I *really* do not understand how you form an opinion that
>>> "RNG" and "Numbers" do not belong as rightfully as <any other>
>>> component.
>> The Commons charter mentions "reusable libraries and components". I used
>> to interpret this as general-purpose components, meaning that they are
>> useful for applications in multiple domains. This definition should hold
>> for most of the components we have now.
> But not for "RNG" or "Numbers"?
> How many is "multiple"?
>> It does not hold for specialized math components.
> Do you believe that the other components are not "specialized"?
Yes, I believe that they are general purpose in nature. Stuff from
[lang] or [io] can be used e.g. by applications in financial sector, in
aviation, in medicine, in web applications, in command line tools, you
name it.

> I never had the need for any of the "Commons" components except
> CM, but it would not occur to me to speculate about how largely
> useful they actually are.
> I trust their creators/maintainers in that respect.
This is not about usefulness of a component, but whether it is a fit for

That you never had the need for any other component could also be an
indicator that [math] does not really fit in, couldn't it?


> Now, you can validly argue that people needing the kind of
> math-related stuff of CM would not use Java... ;-)
>> Therefore, I
>> personally feel uneasy with them and would have difficulties to provide
>> oversight for them.
> As long as someone else helps where you cannot, what's the
> problem?
> And when nobody can, there is "dormant"...
> Gilles
>> But granted, the distinction is not very clear, and this is my
>> interpretation.
>> Oliver
>>> [...]
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