
On Thu, 13 Apr 2017 12:27:47 +0000 (UTC), Eyal Allweil wrote:
Hi Gilles,

I looked at the issues in RNG, and I didn't find something that
seemed appropriate for a beginner. The closest, in my opinion,
are RNG-33 (adding convenience methods to UniformRandomProvider)

That one should be resolved: the convenience methods probably
do not warrant breaking compatibility (and there are other
limitations, as discussed in the comments).

However, it might be worth exploring utilities (such as
"RngStreamFactory" mentioned in one comment) to be added
in the "commons-rng-examples" module.

and RNG-37 (implementing Ziggurat). Maybe with some more explanations
or project expectations RNG-37 (or a similar, new issue) can work.

What do see as missing from the description?

Instead, I added a new item for Commons Text - I couldn't find a way
to get a link from Help Wanted, but it's TEXT-74. There were actually
a lot of issues in Commons Text that seemed good, but they all depend
on WordUtils being available in the main branch, which appears
pending. I guess we'll see if anyone picks it up.



    On Thursday, April 13, 2017 12:50 PM, Gilles
<gil...@harfang.homelinux.org> wrote:

 Hi Eyal.

On Thu, 13 Apr 2017 08:36:34 +0000 (UTC), Eyal Allweil wrote:
I opened two "help wanted" items for Apache DataFu a few months ago.
Both were linked to specific Jira issues - one a generic "wish", and
the other a very specific, entry-level task.
Unsurprisingly, the generic one is still open, but the more specific
item was picked up and a new contributor wrote it. I recommend doing
something similar for Commons. I don't think there are enough
"beginner" tasks there, and I think it's a good way to pick up
contributors and get things done - not everyone knows how to search
Jira for something doable.

Good point.
However it is probably always the case that JIRA issues that stay open
are not easy to fix...

If there are no objections, I can open a new issue for something in
Commons as an example.

Sure! If beginners are likely to be reading "helpwanted" rather than
the developers' web site, you are certainly welcome in evaluating all
the JIRA issues and copy the ones you think will fit in "helpwanted".

Thanks a lot,


    On Friday, March 24, 2017 2:48 PM, Gilles
<gil...@harfang.homelinux.org> wrote:


On Fri, 24 Mar 2017 10:24:10 +0000, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:

Can we replace this task. We get so many references to it, and
despite the fact we answered the offers for help there was never a
result out of it.

I've pointed at that problem several months ago already.

I am unsure why that is, and maybe we could improve
our people skills, but it is rather obvious to me that this
help request does not attract the right engagement

I guess that the "helpwanted" page makes it too easy to send out
an automatic mail to this list, even thought the OP is not
in at least one occurrence, the OP acted as if we were spamming her!

Is there another "helpwanted" request that redirects here?
If not, no surprise that it happens only through the one I created...

(besides the
wording is outdated)

Quite true but the problem existed before the wording got outdated.

We could replace it for a more generic Apache Commons Feedback
task: if you use a Apache Commons components share your experience,
problems and Feedback on the User List.  - or similar?

Fine: Please change as you see fit. :-)

Best regards,


From: Gilles <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org>
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 2:13:40 AM
To: dev@commons.apache.org
Subject: Re: Contributing to Apache Commons (Beginner task)


On Thu, 23 Mar 2017 21:02:11 +0100, Vladimir Kaplarevic wrote:

I am looking to contribute to Apache Commons and start of with some
beginner task. I came across this:


If possible, I would like to help out but I am not sure about the
that I need to take here - ask to get jira ticket assigned, I
I am not sure that I can find the jira ticket in here
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RNG-6> .

Any help is very much appreciated.

Thanks for your interest.
The wording in the " helpwanted" request is a bit out-of-date,
since the release happened last December.
However, it is still very useful to try out the code in real
applications and report of any problems.  You could also design
"toy" applications tailored to illustrate features of the library
(see the "commons-rng-examples" module in the source repository).

You could also have a look at the open issues (although those
might not be beginner tasks).

Don't hesitate to ask more questions, so we can focus more
precisely on what you want to do.

Best regards,

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