
Xianda Ke held a nice presentation about Commons Crypto yesterday at
ApacheCON Europe in Seville. Kudos to Xianda Ke and Dapeng Sun for
preparing the presentation and making the long trip to Europe.

Here are the comments we got from the audience:

1) Why does Commons Crypto implement it's own Crypto API instead of
providing a JCE provider?
If it is possible to write an adapter to JCE, I think this would be a good
improvement for 1.1. If it is not possible for technical reasons, we should
document it on the website.

2) Is it possible to stub in a custom secret generator? There where
concerns in the audience with regards to the hardware secret generator
build into the Intel chips, because it is not clear what is happening
inside that chips.
Can we extend the API in a why so that users can provide their own secret
generator? Does this even make sense or will that degrade the performance
of Crypto?


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