Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org> schrieb am Do., 2. Juni 2016 um
23:39 Uhr:

> Hi all,
> A part of the release process is to update the web site. I wonder if
> this could be simplified with a Jenkins job watching for the release
> tags and building/uploading the new site automatically. That would make
> one less thing to think about when releasing new versions. I suspect the
> most difficult issue to solve is to let Jenkins publish the content
> without compromising the security.

> Thoughts?

I'm all for automation. The only problem I see is, that I usually publish
the final site from a dirty working copy. This is because I don't put the
release date into changes.xml until after the release. However I have
realized that for example maven central uses that date the RC was upload to
the staging repo as the release date. We could simply adopt this and use
that date in changes.xml and commit it to the release tag.

I'm sure it would even be possible to let jenkins create site archives as
we're currently doing for some components.

I have no idea about the security implications of this proposal.


> Emmanuel Bourg
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