Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org> schrieb am Do., 2. Juni 2016 um
23:26 Uhr:

> Le 2/06/2016 à 22:42, Benedikt Ritter a écrit :
> > - since our components are depended upon by a lot of projects, we need to
> > take special care regarding compatibility.
> +1, thanks God Apache Commons isn't like Guava or BouncyCastle.
> > - we must not break BC in a release that could collide with an earlier
> > version. In other words, when we break BC, we have to change package and
> > maven coordinates.
> I tend to agree but I think some exceptions should be allowed:
> * If the element affected by the BC issue was released very recently, we
> should be able to roll out a new release changing it. For example if foo
> 1.3 added a protected method to a class, we should be able to make it
> private in foo 1.3.1 if we release it shortly after (let's say less than
> 2 months after foo 1.3).
> * If the API affected is just internal stuff not intended to be used
> directly, it should be possible to change it.
> > - BUT since we're all doing this on our spare time, there is no need to
> > hold on old APIs just for the sake of it. For this reason, BC may be
> broken
> > any time, if the steps above a followed and it has been discussed on the
> > ML. Fixes can always be backported to old releases, by people who need
> it.
> Ok but this can only work if our release process is simplified, because
> backporting means publishing more releases

Great idea! Let's start a discussion about our release process right after
we have settled an agreement about the BC topic.

> > - Changing the Java Language requirement does not break BC and can
> > therefore be done without pumping the major version.
> I agree, bumping the major version isn't mandatory in this case.
> Emmanuel Bourg
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