Hello Robert,

Robert Huffman <robert.huff...@gmail.com> schrieb am Do., 19. Mai 2016 um
17:00 Uhr:

> Thanks for the comments. Yes, it is in progress.
> I generally keep imports collapsed and never look at them. I hadn't even
> realized that was the style here. Thanks for pointing it out.
> I already changed ITERABLE to COLLECTION. (Originally I thought I would be
> using Iterable) and removed the parameterType from the signature.
> I agree with you: I'm not so sure using JUnit parameterized tests is a
> great idea here. It is unfortunate JUnit doesn't give you more control.
> Other frameworks (like Spock or TestNG) let you parameterize specific test
> methods intead of the entire class. I am thinking that once I fix execute
> and update tests to also use the parameter type, most tests in the
> QueryRunnerTest will use it, so perhaps it won't be too bad.
> If you don't like it, what alternative would you suggest? I'm not crazy
> about the idea of just copying the test methods. I suppose I could just add
> calls with collections to the existing test methods, but I'm not crazy
> about that, either.

It's okay for me if in the end all (or most of) the test methods actually
use the test parameters. If not, I suggest splitting the test up into to
test classes.


> On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 6:40 AM, Benedikt Ritter <brit...@apache.org>
> wrote:
>> <moving this to the dev ML>
>> Robert Huffman <robert.huff...@gmail.com> schrieb am Do., 19. Mai 2016
>> um 15:32 Uhr:
>>> Actually, Iterable doesn't work: in fillStatement you need to know the
>>> size
>>> and that's not easily obtainable from an Iterable. So I'm using
>>> Collection
>>> instead.
>>> I cloned the project and have QueryRunner.query working already.
>>> Basically
>>> I changed the private query method to take a Collection instead of
>>> varargs
>>> for the parameters. A public method is added that takes a Collection, and
>>> the public methods that take arrays simply use Arrays.asList on the
>>> arrays.  You can check out the approach here:
>>> https://github.com/rhuffman/commons-dbutils/tree/feature/allow-collections-of-parameters-in-QueryRunner
>>> I will take the same approach on update, insert and batch, create a JIRA
>>> and attach a patch.
>> I've added a few comments. Looks good to me overall.
>>> On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 6:02 AM, Benedikt Ritter <brit...@apache.org>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hello Robert,
>>> >
>>> > Robert Huffman <robert.huff...@gmail.com> schrieb am Mi., 18. Mai
>>> 2016 um
>>> > 19:00 Uhr:
>>> >
>>> > > If a prepared statement is built dynamically, with a variable number
>>> of
>>> > > parameters, and parameters are collected in a Collection of some sort
>>> > > instead of an array, usage QueryRunner requires that the collection
>>> be
>>> > > converted to an array first. This means the parameters are iterated
>>> > twice:
>>> > > once to convert to an array and once again in
>>> QueryRunner.fillStatement.
>>> > >
>>> > > Would it violate a design decision if methods were added to
>>> QueryRunner
>>> > > that took the parameters as an Iterable instead of as varags? It
>>> should
>>> > be
>>> > > straightforward to add such methods and use an Iterable wrapper
>>> around an
>>> > > array to have the varargs methods invoke the new methods that take
>>> > > Iterables.
>>> > >
>>> > > I would be happy to submit a patch if this does not violate some
>>> sort of
>>> > > design decision I am not aware of and if the implementation approach
>>> > sounds
>>> > > reasonable.
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> > Sounds like a reasonable addition, although I'm not sure I understand
>>> your
>>> > proposal with the "Iterable wrapper around an array". Feel free to
>>> create a
>>> > JIRA and provide a patch/github PR for adding this functionality.
>>> Further
>>> > design discussions about this addition should go to the dev mailing
>>> list.
>>> >
>>> > Benedikt
>>> >

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