CMS does not apply to the component websites.

It only applies to the parent site.

On 6 May 2016 at 14:21, Benedikt Ritter <> wrote:
> Benedikt Ritter <> schrieb am Fr., 6. Mai 2016 um
> 15:20 Uhr:
>> Hello Benson,
>> Benson Margulies <> schrieb am Fr., 6. Mai 2016 um
>> 14:29 Uhr:
>>> I'd like to.
>>> Problem 1:
>>> On this page, the 2.4 link points to a generic 'api-release' directory
>>> instead of to 2.4.
>>> I'd fix that, but when I use the CMS bookmarklet on this page, I'm not
>>> shown the content of this page, I'm shown the top of the entire
>>> commons tree.
>>> Problem 2:
>>> olamy left
>>>  '1451336      olamy
>>> <url>scm:svn:
>>> </url>'
>>> in the top level pom. I patched it to contain the missing 'o', but
>>> that's not right. It should end with api-release, and then the release
>>> process should include a manual step of renaming it, or it should have
>>> ${project.version} in it.
>>> So now the 2.5 content is all checked in, up one level from where it
>>> belongs.
>>> If someone can remind me about how to edit the links on the page, I'll
>>> sweep the 2.5 content into the api-2.5 directory and then patch up the
>>> links.
>> You can modify the side sources below src/site and dann publish the site
>> via mvn site-deploy.
> omg, that sentence was a complete fail :-) Second try:
> You can modify the site sources below src/site and then publish the site
> via mvn site-deploy.
>> If you can't fix the problems this way, you can checkout the site
>> directory from
>> and edit it directly. This can be necessary for the parts of the website
>> that are not generated by the site build (for example JavaDoc archives from
>> old releases).
>> HTH,
>> Benedikt
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