Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
Am Tue, 03 May 2016 21:47:43 -0400
schrieb Josh Elser<>:

See the original point of me starting this thread: it was stated that
the sandbox (might) depend on code which is not licensed in such a
manner that is allowed for ASF projects.

Which is why it is not built or shipped by default and called sandbox.
(this was not my idea and before my time but I dont see a reason to
change this for this release)


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I was just pointed to

The way this reads, because we don't push it to Nexus, that's fine.

The other half is that I was (incorrectly) assuming that the src release was still including the sandbox. This is wrong -- there are no occurrences of it in release artifacts.

I'm good now :)

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