Reading over the discussion, there were some contrasting views about which of the common complex number behaviors Complex() ought to emulate. One commentator suggested GNU Octave. My quick take is that Octave has some good momentum right now, with its new editor and it's GSOC presence, and that synchronizing Complex() with GNU octave would be a good path to take. This would also be a good way for me to get started writing some methods that create a smooth bridge between octave and commons. Ideally the octave standard is identical with the C99x standard, but I don't know yet.

If the group is happy with this, I will also go mention it on octave-maintainers and see what I can come up with for a plan.


On 23/04/16 01:27, Gilles wrote:

Branch "feature-MATH-1290" deals with "Complex" utilities.
It is perhaps a good opportunity to review this very old
issue.  And decide whether it is worth keeping it open.


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