Kristian Rosenvold <> schrieb am Do., 28. Apr. 2016 um 11:59 Uhr:
> 2016-04-26 15:39 GMT+02:00 Emmanuel Bourg <>: > > > We are not alone :) RedHat is still maintaining OpenJDK 6 and providing > > security fixes for things like critical production systems not meant to > > be changed every two years. > > > > > Yes, and they are getting paid for it. If they need extended maintenance of > an old version they can do it themselves. We really do not need to be > backing anyones business model on our volunteer time. > Big +1 > > I say just move the whole thing forward to jdk7 for the 2.6 release. This > is entirely undramatical. And I've been a proponent for relasing 2.5 on 1.6 > :) > > > Kristian >