On 26 April 2016 at 12:31, Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org> wrote:
> Le 26/04/2016 13:18, sebb a écrit :
>> But how does one compile the new utils which require Java 7?
>> Would these be released as separately compiled jar?
> You don't need a separate jar. You just have to build with Java 7 but
> set the source/target of the compiler plugin to 1.6. This will produce a
> jar usable with Java 6, except for the new utils classes using the Java
> 7 APIs.

Doh, of course.

However that might need a fix to the pom.
IIRC there is a check that the code only uses APIs from the target
Java version, precisely to guard against accidental use of
non-existent APIs.

Since the ASF primarily releases source, I think we would need to
ensure that the code could still be compiled using Java 6.
That would mean excluding the new classes if the compiler is Java 6.
And not using Java 7 syntax in the original code.

Otherwise we would be producing source code that is (mainly) Java
6-compatible but which cannot be compiled using Java 6.

> Emmanuel Bourg
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