As we plan to have release sooner, marking release ALPHA tagged make sense

On 4/25/16, 7:02 PM, "sebb" <> wrote:

>On 26 April 2016 at 02:56, Chen, Haifeng <> wrote:
>>>> Sounds like a tough time schedule. It's only one week until May.
>> Yeah, it's a tough time schedule. We will just try moving fast and see
>>what we can reach at that time. Maybe it's not realistic in one week.
>It's expensive to change the public API once released.
>Given the timescale, maybe it would work to release an ALPHA version
>on the understanding that the API may change incompatibly.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Benedikt Ritter []
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 12:03 AM
>> To: Commons Developers List <>
>> Subject: Re: [CRYPTO] Switch from JNI to JNA
>> Chen, Haifeng <> schrieb am Mo., 25. Apr. 2016 um
>> 08:38 Uhr:
>>> >> Maybe its an option to replace JNI by JNA [1]. This would have IHMO
>>> several advantages like
>>> >> * No C code needs to be written, compiled, tested and maintained
>>> >> * Its easier compared to JNI (this could help attracting more
>>> >> people to
>>> contribute)
>>> >> * Many supported platforms [2], precompiled native binaries
>>> >> available
>>> Agree on these advantages.
>>> >> Disadvantages:
>>> >> * Introduce a dependency to JNA
>>> >> * Performance decrease compared to JNI (direct buffers and direct
>>> mapping helps minimizing this) [3]
>>> The major concern will be on the performance. Because the major value
>>> for Crypto is to utilize the performance optimization OpenSSL provided.
>>> Need to have an evaluation on how much performance penalty will occur
>>> when using JNA comparing JNI.
>>> The Spark community are eager to utilize this library. If we can have
>>> the first release before May, there is a possibility to include it in
>>>Spark 2.0.
>> Sounds like a tough time schedule. It's only one week until May.
>>> Any idea to put JNA evaluation in the second release?
>> Yes, why not.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Haifeng
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Hendrik Dev []
>>> Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2016 6:43 PM
>>> To: Commons Developers List <>
>>> Subject: [CRYPTO] Switch from JNI to JNA
>>> Hi,
>>> i just had a brief look into commons crypto today.
>>> Maybe its an option to replace JNI by JNA [1]. This would have IHMO
>>> several advantages like
>>> * No C code needs to be written, compiled, tested and maintained
>>> * Its easier compared to JNI (this could help attracting more people
>>> to
>>> contribute)
>>> * Many supported platforms [2], precompiled native binaries available
>>> Disadvantages:
>>> * Introduce a dependency to JNA
>>> * Performance decrease compared to JNI (direct buffers and direct
>>> mapping helps minimizing this) [3]
>>> I prepared a demo [4] to show thats its generally working and how a
>>> implementation could like (although tests are not working and error
>>> handling is missing).
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> [4]
>>> Wdyt?
>>> Thanks
>>> Hendrik
>>> --
>>> Hendrik Saly (salyh, hendrikdev22)
>>> @hendrikdev22
>>> PGP: 0x22D7F6EC
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