
Browsing through the project's open issues is becoming a huge time sink.
Commons Math is crumbling under its own weight in this area too.

Some of the old issues are feature requests that are unlikely to be
implemented in the near future.
Others contain discussions and/or patches not updated in years, and are
thus likely outdated wrt to the current line of development.  Just
checking whether anything can be salvaged would anyways take a lot of
time which nobody is prepared to do, as anyone can see from the recent
activity in the project.

Some reports should have been resolved/closed long ago but were not,
probably because of the sheer number of pages to look at.

Lacking resources to manage this large number of issues, I think that
we have to set an expiry date on the JIRA reports (and close them upon
expiry), unless they pertain to confirmed bugs.

There could perhaps be a single open JIRA report with links to all
issues resolved as "Unresolved", just in case some future contributor
wants to revisit whatever had been raised in the past but could not be

What do you think?


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