On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 9:13 PM, Phil Steitz <phil.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am sorry for the bad tone of my recent posts here.  Not the nicest
> way to leave and I am sorry for that.

Hi Phil,

nothing that you have written is worth an apology, although I can
understand your disappointment about the way (or motive) you are leaving.

In fact, as Niall pointed out, we as community have failed as we have
accepted unhealthy behavior for too long a time resulting in people just
being frustrated up to the point where they break and leave.
Sometimes it does not take a flame war but this constant little nagging
about every little thing to make people feel uncomfortable and dissapointed.

For me you have been a role model how to handle conflicts and it makes me
really sad to see to leave because of one.


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