On 02/02/2016 11:19, Gilles wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Feb 2016 01:49:21 -0500, Christopher wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 8:24 AM, Gilles <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org>
>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 1 Feb 2016 06:20:14 -0700, Phil Steitz wrote:
>>>> Unscientifically, but in the interest of keeping things moving, it
>>>> looks to me like just plain "math" is the winner.  Any objections to
>>>> moving forward with this name?
>>>> Phil
>>> Proposals were not all presented when people gave opinions.
>>> A [VOTE] perhaps?
>>> Actually: Who should vote, or not?
>>> [Logic would have it that people they do not intend to join
>>> development of the new project should not...]
>> Users have a huge stake in the name. They will be the ones trying to
>> remember the project name when adding it as a dependency, after all.
> Hmm, do you have many examples of a project that was not named by its
> inceptors?
> Remember?  Remember what?
> Users would just have to find the project once in its lifetime, and
> copy that into their dependency file.
> From a user's perspective, just "Math" is the worst possible choice: if
> you use a search engine to get to one of the project's pages, you'll get
> many more hits related to "math" in general than to the Java project of
> that name.

Many Apache projects won't appear near the top of search results unless
preceded by Apache. Searching for "Apache Math" should get a user to
exactly where they want to be.

> Moreover, from the majority of Apache projects' names, it is impossible
> to tell what what they are about.
> Which is right (most of the time) since the name is usually some sort
> of acronym.

That is simply a choice of name style.

> Even when the emblematic web server needed a name, they did not end up
> with "WebServer"!

No, they went with "HTTP Server" or, to use the full name, "Apache HTTP
Server". SpamAssassin and OpenOffice are two other significant projects
where the project name relates directly to what they are used for.

And those three projects are some of the biggest, if not the three
biggest, in terms of user base across the ASF.

Of all the suggestions "Apache Math" makes the most sense to me.


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