On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 8:39 PM, Luc Maisonobe <l...@spaceroots.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> A few weeks ago, I proposed to release 3.6. There were two
> points I wanted to address before that, both related to
> ODE. These points are now completed: the Adams methods
> stability issues have been fixed, and a bunch a field-based
> integrators are available.
> There are 3 issues in JIRA that are tagged for 3.6:
>  - MATH-1281 "Median" should not extend "Percentile"
>  - MATH-1285 Description API ZipfDistribution
>  - MATH-1308 Deprecate and remove "AbstractRandomGenerator"

What about MATH-1300 plus MATH-1304 plus MATH-1305?
Could Gilles commits be back ported into 3.6?
There is no API change like in MATH-1308 and MATH-1307 and IMHO they
are safe for the back port.
BTW I don't know why MATH-1300, MATH-1304 and MATH-1305 are not marked
as resolved yet.
Aren't they?

P.S. when CM 4.0 is expected to be released?

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