
Looks good.  Where is the code? ;-)

So CM clients would:
catch(MathException e) {
    String exceptionTemplate = ResourceBundle.getBundle("cm.exception.templates", new 
Locale("en", "US")).getString(e.getType());
    String i18Nmessage = buildMessage(exceptionTemplate, e.getContext());

I can prototype that out more.  Just trying to get a feel for how
viable the concept is first.

I'm not sure I understand correctly.
Does that mean that
1. Uncaught exceptions will lead to a message in English?
Sort of - Right now the exception message is just the Enum 'type/code'.  For 
example: MIA__INTEGER_OVERFLOW.  Calling toString() on the exception will 
produce a more detailed message with the context parameters as well.

2. Every "catch" must repeat the same calls (although the arguments are likely
   to be the same for all clauses (and for all applications)?

Well - Suppose the use case is using CM to just write quick simulations in the 
main block.  We don't want to bother the analyst with what exceptions mean or 
throw catch concepts, etc.  So primarily the user is concerned with the //CM 
code block below:

public static void main(String args[]) {
   //The CM code...

So instead of providing the above block as a starting point this block would be 

public static void main(String args[]) {
   try {
   //The CM code...

} catch(MathException) {

Comparing this with the current behaviour (where the translated message String
is created when "e.getLocalizedMessage()" is called) is likely to make people
Hopefully they would be OK with something like the above.  If a single 
MathException is adopted it should be very easy to create a Cheatsheet with all 
the exception codes that can occur in a given scenario along with what it means 
in a language, in addition to handling it with the type of utility describe 
above.  I would think the goal would be to get the user to understand the 
exceptions as they are thrown in Java vernacular though...Even if I see an 
exception message in Norwegian I still need to read the code and Javadoc to 
figure out what it means.

I'm still looking into the possibility of a custom designed annotation to do 
the above utility, but it may require the use of AspectJ or Apache Weaver.


I'd be interested in settling the matter of whether we must use a single
hierarchy because of technical limitations, or if it is a good solution
on its own, i.e. extending standard exceptions is not a better practice
after all.
I think we understand this, but anything other than a single exception is going 
to introduce a non trivial amount of additional effort both for users, 
maintainers, and documenters.  Consider the ripple effect this has on other 
libraries using CM.

We could provide a utility:

public boolean isMathException(RuntimeException e) {
  if (e instanceof MathException) {
    return true;
  final Throwable t = e.getCause();
  if (t != null) {
    if (e instanceof MathException) {
      return true;
  return false;

Or just not wrap.

Of course, but choosing one or the other is not a technical problem;
it's design decision.  Do we have arguments (or reference to them)?

As Luke pointed out, we want to be able to catch the exception and know that it 
came from CM with minimal effort.  If another layer is using CM, then that 
layer should catch the CM exception and rethrow it using a System exception 
providing a global facade the same way Spring does.

public class ExceptionFactory {

  public static void throwIllegalArgumentException(MathException e) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

  public static void throwNullPointerException(MathException e) {
    throw new NullPointerException(e);

  // And so on...

So, CM code would be

public class Algo {

  public void evaluate(double value) {
    // Check precondition.
    final double min = computeMin();
    if (value < min) {
      final MathException e = new 
MathException(NUMBER_TOO_SMALL).put(CONSTRAINT, min).put(VALUE, value);

    // Precondition OK.
Another thing that I hinted to is that the the factory builds in the
precondition check in the throw method.  So that the line:

    if (value < min) {

can be nixed.

It seems nice to ensure that the exception raised is consistent with the
checked condition.
That's the idea.

OK, but do you foresee that all precondition checks will be handle by
factory methods.
It would be nice.  Like you said, it's also good if an exception is always 
produced by a globally unique condition.

It would not be so nice to have explicit checks sprinkled here and there.
Indeed.  The single exception design should allow for a factory method for all 
the Enum types.  If it's done right the factory should also make writing the 
utility for localizing messages easier.



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