Le 22/12/2015 17:44, Ole Ersoy a écrit :
> .
>> One of the point in having exceptions that extends our own root
>> exception is that users at higher level can catch this top level.
>> Currently, we don't even advertise properly what we throw. We even
>> miss to forward upward some exceptions thrown at low level in the
>> javadoc/signature of out upper level methods.
>> So user may currently not know, only reading the javadoc/signature
>> of one of our implementation that they may get a MIAE or something
>> else. If we were using a single root,
> Or just a single MathException.
>>   they would at least be able
>> to do a catch (MathRootException) that would prevent a runtime
>> exception to bubble up too far. Currently, defensive programming
>> to protect against this failure is to catch all of
>> MathArithmeticException, MathIllegalArgumentException,
>> MathIllegalNumberException, MathIllegalStateException,
>> MathUnsupportedOperationException, and MathRuntimeException.
> With the design I proposed, and the design I'm using, we only have to
> catch one.  After it's caught the type code (Enum) indicates precisely
> what the issue is.
>> In a perfect world, we would be able to extend a regular IAE while
>> implementing a MathRootException, but Throwable in Java is a class,
>> not an interface. Too bad.
> Luc - how do you feel about a single MathException that extends
> RuntimeException with an Enum that indicates what the root cause is and
> can be used as the key to look up the corresponding message template
> which can be resolved into a message using parameters attached to the
> MathException context?

I am fine with this.

I did not check your design yet, sorry I am overwhelmed with several
issues to fix for 3.6 that I would like to release soon.

best regards

> Here's an example from my refactoring of ArithmeticUtils:
> https://github.com/firefly-math/firefly-math-arithmetic/blob/master/src/main/java/com/fireflysemantics/math/arithmetic/Arithmetic.java
>     /**
>      * Add two integers, checking for overflow.
>      *
>      * @param x
>      *            an addend
>      * @param y
>      *            an addend
>      * @return the sum {@code x+y}
>      * @throws MathException
>      *             Of type {@code MAE__OVERFLOW_IN_ADDITION} if the
> result can
>      *             not be represented as an {@code int}.
>      */
>     public static int addAndCheck(int x, int y) throws MathException {
>         long s = (long) x
>                 + (long) y;
>         if (s < Integer.MIN_VALUE
>                 || s > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
>             throw new MathException(MAE__OVERFLOW_IN_ADDITION).put(X,
> x).put(Y, y);
>         }
>         return (int) s;
>     }
> The toString() method of the exception is implemented like this and
> delivers the exception root cause (Enum) and parameter name and value
> pairs:
>     @Override
>     public String toString() {
>         String parameters = context.entrySet().stream().map(e -> e.getKey()
>                 + "="
>                 + e.getValue()).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
>         return "Firefly math exception type "
>                 + this.type
>                 + ".  Context ["
>                 + parameters
>                 + "]";
>     }
> So we get a pretty good indication of what the issue is by just using
> toString() to construct the message.
> Cheers,
> Ole
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